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A mutation operator generator to facilitate compiler fuzzing.

This documentation is prepared for native ubuntu machine.


To execute MetaMut, we recommend using Ubuntu (version 22.04 or later). Install the required packages using the following commands:

sudo apt-get install gcc-11 g++-11 gcc-11-plugin-dev
sudo apt-get install llvm-12 llvm-12-dev llvm-12-tools libllvm12 libclang-12-dev lld-12
sudo apt-get install cmake gdb gcc g++ python3 python3-pip
sudo apt-get install flex yacc bison libdw-dev

sudo pip3 install sysv_ipc numpy functools psutil
sudo pip3 install tiktoken jinja2 openai

Execute MetaMut

To execute MetaMut, first enter your GPT-4 API key in the file located at [Core/scripts/].

Afterwards, you can run MetaMut by following these steps:

cd Core;
python3 scripts/ --num-mutators=100

In case that openai updated their API, you may use https interface like this:

cd Core;
python3 scripts/ --num-mutators=100 --api https.openai

Generated Mutators

We have also published our generated mutators. You can access it in mutators.

To compile these mutators (this step will take 20 to 40 minutes):

cd mutators
mkdir output && cd output
cmake .. -DLLVM_CONFIG_BINARY=$(which llvm-config-12)
make -j4

After compilation, you can find executable muss, mu.s and mu.u located in mutators/output/.

To run these mutators (take muss as an example):

$ cat input.c
#include <string.h>
int main() {
  return strlen("123");

$ ./muss --randomly-try-all-mutators -i input.c -o output.c -seed 10293
$ cat output.c
#include <string.h>
int main() {
    return ((strlen("123")) | (strlen("123")));

$ ./muss --randomly-try-all-mutators -i output.c -o output.c -seed 28596
$ cat output.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  return ((strlen("123")) ^ (strlen("123")));

Crashes and Mis-mutation: these cases can occur, as most mutators do not involve human interaction, feel free to open a PR.

Fuzz Compilers

Fuzzing scripts are located in the fuzzer directory. For effective fuzzing, instrumented versions of GCC and Clang are required.

You can compile and instrument the compilers using our provided script.

Compile and Instrument Compilers

# install required packages
sudo apt-get install -y flex bison yacc
sudo apt-get install libllvm15 libclang-15-dev llvm-15-tools
sudo apt-get install gcc-11 g++-11 gcc-11-plugin-dev
sudo pip3 install sysv_ipc numpy psutil six
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/llvm-config llvm-config $(which llvm-config-12) 999999

# run, this may take several hours to finish
export CC_DWNDIR=$(pwd)/compilers
export CC_OBJDIR=$(pwd)/objects
export JOBS=4

Seed Programs: We also collect a large set of seeds (continuously update), you can retrieve them via:

cd MetaMut/
git pull origin assets:assets
git checkout assets seeds

After setting up compilers and seeds, run the fuzzer with the following commands:

ulimit -s unlimited # Avoid fake crash caused by deep recursion
ulimit -c 0         # Disable core dumps if your kernel is configured to allow them

mkdir -p workspace; cd workspace
python3 ../fuzzer/ -j 4 \
  --wdir $(pwd) \
  --repeat-times 10 \
  --duration 86400 \
  --seeds-dir $(pwd)/../seeds \

# show results
python3 ../fuzzer/ * --summary

Options explanation: